검색 상세

혼종성에 강요된 수치없음과 수치 : 『수치』에 나타난 동질화의 폭력

Forced Shamelessness and Shame in the Diaspora : Violence of Dominant Discourse in Salman Rushdie’s Shame


This thesis aims at analyzing the two main characters in Shame to see how postcolonial diaspora’s hybridity is re-translated even though these two characters’ hybridity is repressed in the discourse that seeks a homogeneous society. Based on the experiences of dislocation or movement, the diaspora crosses over geographical and cultural borders, so it naturally produces hybridity or heterogeneity. Dominant ideology tries to hide the diaspora’s hybridity in order to keep its culture pure or homeogenous, which is imaginary and artificial. Contrary to the belief of dominant discourse that the diaspora’s hybridity can be contained in the realm of the borderline, the hybridity may reveal its presence. This paper first tries to figure out the process of translation and the incompatibility of translation related to the diaspora’s hybridity in the postcolonial era. Then, it thoroughly analyzes the two main characters in the novel to capture the moment when the diaspora’s hybridity is controlled or erased by the dominant discourse and how it emerges from the place where it is hidden and makes its voice.



1. 들어가며
2. 번역불가능한 요소의 번역, 습득과 손실
3. 강요된 수치없음: 오마르 하이얌
4. 수치 그 자체와 순수함: 수피아 지노비아
5. 마치며
