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Classification of self-dual cyclic codes over the chain ring Zp[ u] / ⟨ u3⟩


We classify all the cyclic self-dual codes of length pk over the finite chain ring R: = Zp[ u] / ⟨ u3⟩ , which is not a Galois ring, where p is a prime number and k is a positive integer. First, we find all the dual codes of cyclic codes over R of length pk for every prime p. We then prove that if a cyclic code over R of length pk is self-dual, then p should be equal to 2. Furthermore, we completely determine the generators of all the cyclic self-dual codes over Z2[ u] / ⟨ u3⟩ of length 2 k. Finally, we obtain a mass formula for counting cyclic self-dual codes over Z2[ u] / ⟨ u3⟩ of length 2 k. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
