검색 상세

대학생의 국제회의통역사에 대한 직업이미지 연구

Occupational Image of Conference Interpreters as Perceived by Undergraduates


This study explores the occupational image of conference interpreters as perceived by undergraduates in Seoul, Korea. The study conducted a survey on 212 undergraduates in the Seoul metropolitan area. Quantitative analysis including exploratory factor analysis and descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Five factors such as, power, reward, social reputation, job trait, and expertise, were extracted. The result of the analysis reveals that participants perceive conference interpreting as a well respected, interesting job that requires extensive expertise. It is also perceived as a job that offers self-development opportunities. Furthermore participants believe that conference interpreters can be influential at work. Female students were more likely than their male counterparts to perceive conference interpreting as an interesting and powerful profession enjoying high social status. The job was moderately popular among participants and was regarded as similar to diplomats as both jobs involve using foreign languages to represent a certain culture or country and facilitate communication. The findings indicate that while conference interpreting is a highly professional job it needs to reinforce the power and reward images in order to attract more young talents to this field.
