검색 상세

기후변화 언론보도 빅데이터 분석 - 시기 및 언론사 정치적 성향에 따른 차이를 중심으로 -

A Big-data Analysis of Media Reports on Climate Change - Focusing on Differences by Time and Newspapers’ Political Orientations -


This study collected climate change-related media reports over the last decade to analyze the frequency and centrality of the words used, and then derive optimal topics through the LDA analysis. The final 11 topics were interpreted from the perspective of risk communication, and we also examined whether there were differences by time and newspapers’ political orientations, respectively. The results showed that news media generally dealt with the climate change issue as an environmental problem, energy economy, and international cooperation issues. Further, the 11 topics implicated that news media emphasized negative impacts of climate change, covered with political or security issues, or took an energy-related economic development approach. In addition, differences before and after the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, and differences in the political orientations of newspapers were investigated. In conclusion, news media has delivered fragmentarily negative impacts of climate change or dealt with the issue in terms of grand discourses rather than the urgency of climate change response and practical mitigation actions.
