검색 상세

熱處理, LCA 條件發生劑 및 Grape guard 處理가 油桃 秀峰 品種(Prunus persica var. nectarina Maxim)의 貯藏中 品質에 미치는 影響

Effects of heat treatment, LCA conditioner, and Grape guard on the postharvest quality of "Subong" nectarine(Prunus persica var. nectarina Maxim)

  • 주제(KDC) 525.000
  • 발행기관 건국대학교
  • 발행년도 1997
  • 총서유형 Journal
  • 본문언어 한국어


This experiment was conducted to examine the pretreatment effects on freshness retention after 30 days storage under condition of 2±1℃ heat treatment, LCA conditioner, and grape guard were utilized as pretreatments and applied to the "Subong" Nectarine. Pretreatment by heat under 38℃ for 48 hours revealed that total quantity of ethylene was decreased at the begining period. However, after 10 days storage, (i) Quantity of ethylene was decreased, (ii) density of CO2 was increased, (iii) density of O2 was decreased, (iv) softening of flesh was inhibited, and (v) both firmness, external appearance and taste of the fruit were better, comparing to the other treatment. But soluble solid concentration and pH were almost the same to the other treatment. The results by the pretreatment by heat under 38℃ for 24 hours were almost same to the pretreatment above. However lowered firmness, increased pH and flesh softniing led to poor appearance and taste. As a result, quality of fruit became low. Pretreatment by LCA conditioner was very effective in reducing ethylene in a bag and pH was increased. However, freshness retention by this treatment was not good because of lowered firmness of flesh, severe softening, and poor appearance and taste. Pretreatment by grape guard brought about pericarp damage, which might caused by 502. Therefore, this method was not good for freshness retention: (i) poor appearance, (ii) increased pH, (iii) lowered firmness, and (iv) softening.



Ⅱ.재료 및 방법
Ⅲ.결과 및 고찰
1.필름 봉지내 에틸렌의 변화
5.生體重의 變化
8.外觀의 差異
