검색 상세

동기유발요인 기반의 이삼십대 스마트폰 시장 세분화

Segmentation of Smartphone Market for Young Generation based on the Motivation Factors


The purpose of this study is to examine smart phone usage and its user’s motivations and to divide users into four groups and to gain more information about characteristics common to the each segment of smart phone user To achieve that goal, this thesis investigates the relationship between the motivation and potential applications of smart phone service and segment its users. This study referred to questionnaires of a former study on motivation factors (Korgaonkar & Wolin, 2000) and modified them to apply to smart phone user’s behavior. First, this study conducts extracting types of user’s motivation factor by gathering quantitative and qualitative data set by K-means clustering. Secondly, conduct frequency test, chi-square test and ANOVA in each segment to investigate characteristics and differences of user’s behavior. Understanding consumer’s motivations for accessing their smart phone is important to the success of u-commerce. This study significantly contributes to our understanding of why and how consumers use their smart phones and finding characteristics of each segment. Most commonly, the natural function of smart phone seems to be communication with others, as well as personal business uses and entertainment. The motivation framework is useful for assessing consumer’s likely uses of smart phone and its u-commerce interfaces. This study, therefore, provides empirical confirmation that the smart phone can be treated as a new multidimensional marketing communication technology used to fulfill well understood needs in novel ways.
