검색 상세

오픈 API 기반 개방형 플랫폼 비즈니스 모델의 성공요인 및 전략도출에 관한 연구: 이베이 Open eBay Apps 중심으로

A Study on Key Success Factor and Strategy for the Open API Based Open Platform Business Model: Focusing on the Case of Open eBay Apps


Many global Internet companies introduce successfully an open business model using Open API. But Korea Internet companies are remaining at development stage. This study aims to find out the success factors of the open platform business model based on open API and suggest the strategy of using the open platform business model to Korea Internet companies. This research approaches four perspectives of open platform business model to understand the open platform business model based on open API. There are 1) Business Model, 2) Technology, 3) Environment, 4) Organization. Using four perspectives, this study analysis Open eBay Apps which is the success case of open platform business model. Through case study of Open eBay Apps, this study figures out an advanced strategies that online company has to provide an investment of open platform development consistently and supporting an own open platform developer actively as core business partner. Finally, open platform business model has to satisfy the reliance between open platform provider and user.
