검색 상세

Lessons Learned Program이 EPC 프로젝트성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 사례연구

A Case Study on the Effects of Lessons Learned Programs on EPC Project Performance


As construction projects are scaled up, Korean construction companies engaging in overseas plant projects are faced with challenges of corporate growth under EPC contracts with fixed construction periods and contract prices. The lender’s preference of the fixed completion date and fixed lump-sum price without or limited variation orders, so-called “Bankability”, places extra burden on EPC contractors. To gain competitiveness on overseas EPC plant construction market and to overcome such challenges, Korean contractors need bring innovation to their corporate capability for surmounting challenges, which erode their profitability in carrying out EPC projects. In this respect, Lessons Learned Program(LLP) based projects is a good example of such innovation. This study summarized in this report investigated the effects of LLP fulfillment on project performance in Korean construction companies by deriving six success factors and three performance aspects via literature reviews. To verify the correlational effects between LLP success factors and LLP performance, this study performed surveys the employees working for corporations engaging currently in LLP. The survey response data were analyzed using a statistical program, i. e. correlation analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, T-test and regression analysis. As a result, some of the six LLP success factors were found to be correlated with LLP performance to a significant extent. Also, a significant difference was found in LLP performance in line with timing of LLP fulfillment. In addition, LLP success factors were found to exert significant effects only on non-project individual and organizational LLP performance. Present study results more or less differed with previous studies and literature reviews, the present findings suggest that the lower the LLP maturity, the harder it is for a company to gain LLP performance as expected. Accordingly, for a company engaging in LLP to maximize the LLP effects, it is recommended to appreciate the current status of LLP at hand and to improve organizational LLP maturity. Besides, it is necessary to inform organizational members of projects with proved LLP performance so as to strongly motivate them. Furthermore, corporate executives should have a strong will to sustain all relevant parts of LLP. This study is limited to include assuming the survey response of each individual from each company as general corporate conditions and the case study focusing on one company only. These limitations should be considered prior to translating the present findings as the general conditions across Korean construction industry. For this reason, the abovementioned limitations warrant future studies using multiple respondents to examine a more general status of corporate LLP. Also, further studies should rely on not questionnaire surveys reflecting individuals’ subjective opinions but verified data including project completion reports and multiple corporate cases to derive more significant results.



목 차 III
표 목차 VI
그림 목차 VIII
1. 서론 9
1.1 연구의 배경 및 필요성 9
1.2 연구 목적 12
1.3 연구절차 및 방법 12
2. 이론적 배경 15
2.1 지식경영의 정의 15
2.2 Lessons Learned Program 정의 18
2.2.1 Lessons Learned Program 구성요소 19
2.2.2 Lessons Learned Program 프로세스 20
2.3 건설 산업에서 Lessons Learned Program의 중요성 21
2.3.1 실무에서의 Lessons Learned 필요성 21
2.3.2 문헌에서의 Lessons Learned 22
2.3.3 Lessons Learned적용의 어려움 27
3.1 Lessons Learned Program 현황 분석 29
3.1.1 Lessons Learned Program 사례 대상 29
3.1.2 설문 조사 30
3.1.3 설문 결과 31
3.1.4 설문 요약 44
3.2 LLP 성과 사례 46
3.2.1 문헌사례 47
3.2.2 프로젝트 사례 48
4. 연구모형 및 조사설계 51
4.1 선행연구 정리 51
4.1.1 LLP의 성공 요인에 관한 선행연구 51
4.1.2 LLP의 성과에 관한 선행연구 56
4.2 연구모형의 설계 58
4.3 연구가설의 설정 59
4.4 조사방법 및 자료 분석방법 61
4.4.1 설문지 구성 61
4.4.2 표본의 수집 63
4.4.3 자료의 분석 방법 63
5. 사례 분석 64
5.1 표본 특성 64
5.2 타당성 연구 및 신뢰도 분석 65
5.2.1 타당성 연구 65
5.2.2 신뢰도 분석 68
5.3 가설 검증 70
5.3.1 가설1의 검증 70
5.3.2 가설2의 검증 73
5.3.3 가설3의 검증 75
5.4 가설검증 결과 요약 79
6. 결론 및 시사점 80
6.1 연구결과 요약 80
6.2 연구의 시사점 82
6.2.1 문헌연구의 시사점 82
6.2.2 사례연구의 시사점 84
6.3 LLP 성과 개선을 위한 제안 87
6.4 연구의 한계 및 향후 과제 92
참고 문헌 94
부록 97
A. 설문지 97
