검색 상세

Between classrooms and communities : The National Service Training Program as tripartite model for civic education at the University of the Philippines- Diliman


Guided by the peace education framework of Chinyere Alimba, this paper seeks to examine the National Service Training Program (NSTP) of the University of the Philippines (UP) - Diliman. NSTP is a nationally mandated civic education program at the tertiary level. The study looks into the tripartite partnership between and among the academic, non-government and government sectors in the implementation of the program. UP's Common module which is based on the Minimum Standards for the Common and Specific modules of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) was UP has been able to measure up to the expectation of the NSTP Law and the IRR in terms of management of the NSTP Office and the creation of the Common Module that is generally consistent with Alimba's model. The UP common module has also been able to integrate human rights education as part of the content and objectives of the module but did not include specific sections on peace education and drug prevention. The range of partners of UP in its conduct of the NSTP are as varied as its students and its alumni. Many colleges and departments significantly partner with NGOs who are more familiar with community and development work. Much is to be desired in creating more synergistic and strategic interventions particularly in geographic locations and needs-based services. While there is much detail on the curriculum of the NSTP both in the CHED’s Minimum standards and UP’s common module, there appears to be a lack of organized and documented data on the other elements of the NSTP which in Alimba’s model can refer both to the culture and process of the NSTP. Further documentation and research on these areas can be the next steps for the implementing units and the NSTP Office.



List of Acronyms ii
List of Tables and Figures iii

Chapter I – Introduction 1
Research Objectives 2
Research Background 3
Methodology 11
Analytical Framework 15

Chapter II – NSTP Course Content 17
CHED Minimum Standards 17
UP Common module 21

Chapter III – NSTP and the University of the Philippines 30
Diliman and current NSTP classes 30
History of NSTP in UP Diliman 32
The UPD NSTP Office 34

Chapter IV – NSTP and Local Communities 39
Selection of Partners 39
Nature of Partnerships 42
Types of Services 47

Chapter V – Nexus and Synergies 49
Geographic synergies 49
Agenda-based synergies 50
Fusing teaching, research and extension 53
Prospects for the reserve corps 54
Reaching broader development goals with civil society and government 55

Chapter VI – Conclusion and Recommendations 58
References 62
