검색 상세

The perfection of the narcissistic self: A qualitative study on luxury consumption and customer equity


This study explores the buying behaviors of the two types of narcissistic orientations, covert and overt, to see the differences in purchasing behavior and psychology in luxury consumption and their different contributions to customer equity of luxury brands. Covert narcissistic consumptions show counterfeit product consuming behaviors and a fast purchasing cycle, prefer to have trendy items, value quantity more than quality, and choose loud luxury goods. On the other hand, overt narcissistic consumption shows socially responsible consuming behaviors and a comparatively slower purchasing cycle, the preference to have classic and limited symbolic items, prioritizing quality over quantity, and choosing quiet luxury goods. This research confirms that the two types of narcissistic orientations encourage people to have different modalities in luxury consumption and make different contributions to customer equity of luxury brands. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Inc.
