검색 상세

Understanding Why Ghanaian Women Don't Run for Parliament


With the ratification of various international instruments and the implementation of Millennium Development Goals aimed at improving the women‘s political participation and representation in Ghana, the country still lacks behind as much as twice of the global average. This posse a number of questions as to what the country is not doing right. In order to address this problem, a survey was conducted with a one hundred respondents composed of males and females to identify factors that inhibit women‘s representation in parliament. Findings from this research traces the root causes of women‘s low political representation to how the Ghanaian society has structured women not to participate in politics by generating, reinforcing and passing on gender stereotypes and gendered political socialization from generation to generation to promote men‘s participation and discourage women‘s interest in political leadership. Contrary to the assumption of the research, the data indicated that voter‘s perceived female parliamentarians as less corrupt than that of their male counterparts and had a positive outlook in the sight of voters.



가나의 여성 정치 참여 및 대표 성향상을 목표로 하였던 밀레니엄 개발 목표의 시행과 수많은 국제법의 비준에도 불구하고, 가나의 여성 정치 참여 수준은 세계 평균에서 2 배 이상 뒤쳐져있다. 이러한 상황은 가나가 무엇을 잘못하고 있는지에 관하여 몇 가지 의문을 제시하게 한다. 문제 제기를 위하여 의회의 여성 대표성을 저해하는 요인을 찾기 위한 설문 조사를 백 명의 응답자들을 대상으로 수행하였다. 연구를 통하여 남성의 정치 참여를 증진시키고 여성의 정치적 리더십에 대한 흥미를 저해하기 위하여, 가나사회가 성고정 관념과 성적 정치 사회화를 만들어내고 이를 강화한 후 다음 세대로 세습하면서 여성의 낮은 정치 참여를 구조화한 원인을 추적할 수 있었다. 또한 연구의 가정과 반하여 유권자들은 남성보다 부패 정도가 적은 것으로 인식했으며 보다 긍정적인 관점으로 보고 있음을 알 수 있었다.



I. Introduction 1
II. Literature Review 6
A. Definition and Concept of Leadership 6
B. History of Women’s Political Empowerment 7
C. Importance of Women’s Equal Parliamentary Representation 9
D. Types of Political Representation 11
1. Descriptive Representation 11
2. Substantive Representation 11
E. Obstacles to Women’s Political Representation 12
F. Theoretical Framework: Ambition Theory 15
G. Key Factors Contributing to Low Political Ambition 17
1. Gendered Political Socialization 17
2. Gender Stereotypes 19
3. Voter's Negative perception and Bias against Female Candidates 20
III. Ghana's Political History 25
IV. Research Methodology and Analytical Framework 31
V. Findings and Data Analysis 33
A. Voters' Assessment of Current Parliament 33
B. Respondents as Prospective Parliamentarians 37
C. Gender Differences in Political Ambition 39
D. Voter Perception of Male and Female Parliamentary Candidates 44
E. Gender Stereotypes 47
F. Political Socialization 50
VI. Conclusion 53
VII. Recommendations 56
Bibliography 58
Appendix Questionnaire Sample 66
Abstract in Korean 73
