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Effects of Reading-based Freewriting as a Pre-reading Activity on Korean EFL Middle School Students’ Reading and Writing Abilities and Affective Domain


Kim, Sumin and Yeon Hee Choi. (2019). Effects of reading-based freewriting as a pre-reading activity on Korean EFL middle school students’ reading and writing abilities and affective domain. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 19-2, 233-261. The study aims to investigate the effect of reading-based freewriting as a pre-reading activity on Korean middle school students’ English reading and writing abilities and affective aspect. Ninety students of three English proficiency levels individually read the first paragraph of a text and did freewriting on the topic prior to reading the whole text. They had a pre- and post-test of top-down and bottom-up reading and writing, and filled out a post-questionnaire; two students from each level performed think-aloud of the pre- and while-reading process to explore how reading- based freewriting facilitates the understanding of the text. The results of the study illustrate higher post-test scores of top-down and bottom-up reading than the pre- test scores with the intermediate and low level groups’ significantly higher scores; in top-down reading the low level group’s largest score increase led to a statistically significant group variation. Higher post-test scores of writing were also found with the intermediate and low level groups’ significantly higher scores of organization; their larger score increase than the high level group resulted in a statistically significant group variation in organization. The analysis of the po
