검색 상세

전문통번역사 인증을 위한 평가체계 개발 제안

Evaluation System Development Proposal for Certification of Professional Translators and Interpreters


Artificial intelligence-based translation and interpretation technologies have made progress day by day. In this background, many discuss the crisis of human translation and interpretation today. Ironically, however, it is expected that there will be a growing social demand for professional translators and interpreters who are equipped with abilities to assess and correct errors of machine translation and interpretation based on the notion that their translation and interpretation skills will still be superior to that of machines. To keep up with this trend of the times, it is necessary to establish a certification system for professional translators and interpreters and to develop an evaluation system for securing public confidence. As such, this study analyzes the current conditions and problems of existing translation and interpretation-related certification and qualification examinations and reviews previous studies related to translation and interpretation skills and evaluations. Based on this analysis and review, the study proposes an evaluation system for certification of professional translators and interpreters in three areas: content of evaluation, agent of evaluation, and method of evaluation. Regarding the content of evaluation, evaluation elements are specified as “understanding” and “expression” being key information processing indicators of translation and interpretation and “conveyance” and “function implementation” according to the characteristics of translat
