검색 상세

무기체계 소프트웨어 신뢰성 시험 개선점 도출을 위한 소프트웨어 정적/동적 검증 분석 사례연구

Analytical Study on Software Static/Dynamic Verification Methods for Deriving Enhancement of the Software Reliability Test of Weapon System


The reliability test performed when developing the weapon system software is classified into static test and dynamic test. In static test, checking the coding rules, vulnerabilities and source code metric are performed without executing the software. In dynamic test, its functions are verified by executing the actual software based on requirements and the code coverage is measured. The purpose of this static/dynamic test is to find out defects that exist in the software. However, there still exist defects that can’t be detected only by the current reliability test on the weapon system software. In this paper, whether defects that may occur in the software can be detected by static test and dynamic test of the current reliability test on the weapon system is analyzed through experiments. As a result, we provide guidance on improving the reliability test of weapon system software, especially the dynamic test.
