검색 상세

중도입국 학생의 언어 교육과 교육 격차

Language Education and Education Gap Resolution Suggestions for Second Language Korean Learners


이 글은 독서 복지의 관점에서 대안적 문식력 교육의 방향을 모색하였다. 문식력의 보편적 복지는 그 인본적 가치를 다시 확인하는 것으로부터 출발하였다.이에 따르면 독자의 주체적인 삶의 역량 강화에 이바지하는 문식력 교육이 필요하다. 그럼에도 현실적으로는 독서 격차가 매우 심각하게 드러나는바, 그 원인을 사회·문화적 발달 기제 속에서 확인해 보았다. 그 발달 격차는 학교 담화와 가정 및 또래 집단 담화의 갈등과 긴장 속에서 발생하는 것이라 하겠다. 학교는 이러한 불평등의 사회· 문화적 기제를 완화, 해결하기 위해 노력해야 하고, 이것은 바로 독서 복지를 지향하는 교육의 중요한 방향점이 될 수 있다. 그 실천 원리는 ① 포용성, ② 사회- 정서적 안녕감 ③ ‘실제적 수행성’④ ‘연결성’⑤ 다양성 ⑥ 융합성을 제시할 수 있다. 이를 위한 실천 과제로는 첫째, 문식력의 다중적 ‘활용’과 ‘성찰’ 능력 강화, 둘째, 다양한 모델의 독자상과 독자 개발, 셋째, 포용적 학습 공동체를 위한 수업 대화, 넷째, 독자의 문화에 반응하는 융합 교육, 다섯째, 복지 정책의 실질적인 효과를 거두기 위해 인적, 사회적 인프라 구축을 제시하였다.



The purpose of this study is to seek a direction for literacy education oriented toward reading welfare. Literacy is a vital area of life that has been creating gaps during the information age. The policy of reading welfare was enacted in view of selected aspects of welfare, but we should attend to the fact that literacy events have a variety of values for universal welfare. Thus, this study seeks to find an alternative modern literacy education model that concentrates on the effectiveness and management of learning. People who are able to read can establish an imagined vision about themselves and the world through the transformation of linguistic turn. Therefore, the reader should be at the center of literacy education. Literacy was recognized not only as a fixed skill set but also as a capability of readers, which refers to what readers would do as well as who would do it. According to the approach of new literacy, which concentrates on the social and cultural character of literacy, the reading gap results from linguistic differences and tensions between first discourse (family or peer group) and second discourse (school, social, or public sphere). In particular, a peripheral student experiences the tension and conflict between family discourse and school discourse. The main goal of reader-centered literacy education for reading welfare comprises six items: 1) tolerance, 2) social-emotional well-being, 3) authentic practice, 4) connectivity, 5) diversity, and 6) convergence. This study suggests that there are five tasks suitable for related practice. First, it is necessary to utilize literacy skills in multiple practical contexts in school-based literacy education. Second, it is necessary to develop various models of readers that represent the actual image of readers in addition to the ideal image. Third, the teacher should use classroom conversations for building a tolerant learning community that eliminates discrimination and social prejudice against the practical group. Fourth, it is necessary to design a culturally responsive fusion literacy curriculum that integrates the living culture of the reader into the classroom. Fifth, it is necessary to prepare human and social infrastructure to achieve actual effectiveness for a welfare policy.
