검색 상세

수요자 설문을 통한 중학교 생활중국어 온라인 수업 활성화 방향 고찰

A Suggestion to Activate Middle School Chinese Online Classes : The Current State from a Survey


On April 2020, all of the schools in South Korea has started the new semester online owing to the outbreak of COVID-19. Focusing on the Chinese language online classes, this study has surveyed 273 students attending middle school in Suwon city and 30 teachers who teach Chinese language in middle school. In specific, the survey has looked into the satisfactions and demands regarding the current online classes and also investigated whether adopting Robert M. Gagne’s 9 events of instruction as an online educational model is suitable. According to the survey, this study has come to the conclusion that Gagne’s 9 events of instuction theory is an efficient model to for the students to be motivated and to do self-directed learning online. While Robert M. Gagne’s 9 events of instruction may be one of them, constant researches are required to find out more efficient and effective online educational models.
