검색 상세

SNS 여성 이용자의 신체불만족과 식이장애에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구: 대상화이론과 사회비교이론을 중심으로

A Study on the Factors Influencing the Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disordersof Female Social Network Service Users:Focusing on Objectification theory and Social Comparison theory


The study investigated the effects of SNS usage on 20s and 30s female SNS users’ internalization of thin body, body surveillance, appearance upper comparison, body dissatisfaction and eating disorders based on objectification theory and social comparison theory. The study examined differences on SNS usage and body image variables between high and low groups of SNS envy and self-compassion. Social Network Service (SNS) is used as a contemporary marketing tool for brands and companies. It also influences the body image of female SNS users. The survey used an online survey company for female SNS users in their 20s and 30s to analyze the effect of SNS usage. The results showed that SNS usage significantly impacted the internalization of a thin body, body surveillance and appearance upper comparison. The internalization of thin body also had a significant impact on body surveillance and appearance upper comparison. Appearance upper comparison positively affected body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. Finally, the group with higher SNS envy showed higher SNS usage, internalization of thin body, body surveillance, appearance upper comparison, body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. The group with higher self-compassion showed opposite results. This study provided a theoretical expansion for a SNS and female body image study with objectification theory and social comparison theory. It also suggests positive SNS marketing strategies use for brands. Lastly, this study emphasized the importance of the proper use of SNS to protect the body image of SNS users.
