검색 상세

근대 전기 줄무늬와 격자무늬 한복에 관한 연구

A Study of Striped and Check-Patterned Hanbok of the Early Modern Times


Striped and check-patterned fabrics were introduced into Korea in the late 19th century when Joseon was forced to open its ports to Japan and western powers. Though these patterned fabrics were imported from foreign countries such as England, France, and China initially, they were also produced domestically. They were used in the making of Hanbok for women, men, and children, as well as for nursery and school uniforms. Although records indicate that striped and check-patterned fabrics had been imported since the late 1800s, they only appeared in the making of Hanbok in the early 1900s. Despite some early use of these fabrics in the making of Hanbok, plain fabrics were preferred through the early and mid-1920s. However, in the late 1920s, the use of striped and check-patterned fabrics gained popularity and became more common. By the 1930s, these fabrics became increasingly more popular and were used steadily in the making of Hanbok.
