검색 상세

국내 일차의료 및 공공보건의료 발전방향: 미국, 호주, 독일 그리고 쿠바 사례와의 비교

A Study on Current Status and Future Direction of Primary Care and Public Health Care in Korea: In Comparison with the United States, Australia, Germany, and Cuba


The objective of this study is to identify problems and solutions on Korean public health care and primary health care system by comparing with other countries. Specifically, the systems of the Unit- ed States, Australia, Germany and Cuba were compared and we tried to suggest a direction of im- provement in the Korean system. A literature review on primary care and public care were employed to perform an extensive comparison of systems. The main results of this study are as follows. First, a gate keeper such as primary care physician is lacking in Korea and thus, it results in problems such as discontinuity in medical care and rising medical costs. Second, the reimbursement on primary care is not sufficient in Korea, which may result in poor quality of medical care and excessive supply of medical services. Third, a framented delivery system in Korea which generates inefficiency in healthcare system. Especially, the legal classification and functions of primary, secondary and tertia- ry institutions were not clearly designed so that a significant proportion of patients seek for primary care in tertiary hospitals in Korea. To improve the overall health of the population and to reduce health inequality, this study suggests 1) to introduce a gate keeper system, 2) to reform the payment system, and 3) to design an integrated healthcare system which can reduce inefficiencies.
