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Need to belong, privacy concerns and self-disclosure in AI chatbot interaction


This paper attempts to investigate what brings individuals to self-disclose in the context of an artificial intelligent (AI) chatbot interaction and what outcomes of such interaction would be, specifically if any differences exist when individuals think they are interacting with a human or an AI on the levels of self-disclosure, social presence, and intimacy. In addition, the user’s personality trait of ‘need to belong(NTB)’ is hypothesized to bring in meaningful differences in the nature and evaluation of the chatbot interaction. For this, a 2 (perceived humanness: AI chatbot or human) x 2 (NTB: high, low) x 2 (privacy concerns: high, low) between-subject experimental designed was employed (N=646). The results revealed no significant effect of perceived humanness with regard to self-disclosure, social presence, and intimacy: Participants experienced the interaction similarly whether they perceived to communication with either AI or human. The study also explained how NTB affected individuals’ interaction with an artificial agent. No significant moderating role of privacy concerns was found. Implications of these results are discussed in light of the recent growth of AI agent services.
