검색 상세

중국 내 탈북여성·아동 인권침해 경험 분석

A Study on the Human Rights Violations of North Korean Women and Children in China


이 연구는 중국 거주 탈북여성과 아동의 인권침해 경험을 국적 취득, 진학 및 취업, 보건의료 시설 이용, 강제북송 영역에서 살펴보고 중국 정부의 국제인권협약 실천방안을 모색하려 한다. 이를 위해 북한이탈여성 10명과 심층면담을 한 뒤 국제인권협약 기준으로 그 내용을 분석했다. 그 결과, 탈북여성과 아동은 “탈북” 및 북중관계로 국제인권협약의 기본권을 온전히 누리지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 중국 정부가 이들의 “난민” 지위를 인정하지 않아 합법적으로 국적 취득을 할 수 없게 막는 점이 문제였다. 중국은 여성차별철폐협약과 아동권리협약 당사국으로 자국 내 탈북여성과 아동을 보호해야 한다. 중국 내 탈북여성과 아동의 인권침해 상황을 개선하려면 해당 국제협약 위원회가 중국 정부에게 실현 가능한 권고안을 제시해야 한다.



The purpose of this study is to analyze the human rights violations experienced by North Korean refugee women and children living in China, in terms of nationality acquisition, education and employment, use of health and medical facilities, and forced repatriation to North Korea. In addition, this study seeks practical ways to implement the international human rights conventions subscribed to by the Chinese government. To this end, in-depth interviews were conducted with ten North Korean women defectors, and were analyzed based on the International Convention on Human Rights. As a result, it was found that North Korean refugee women and children are allowed enjoy the basic rights of the International Convention on Human Rights due to “ones’ defection” and North Korea-China relations. This was because the Chinese government did not recognize their “refugee” status, thus preventing them from legally acquiring nationality. The Chinese government, as a member of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, shall protect those North Korean refugee women and children. In order to redress the human rights violations of North Korean women and children in China, it is proposed that the relevant International Convention Committee should make feasible recommendations to the Chinese government.
