검색 상세

테크노사이언스의 시대, 페미니스트 과학학의 유산: 해러웨이의 ‘상황적 지식들’의 생태론적 의미

The Legacy of Feminist Science Studies: The Ecological Meaning of Haraway’s “Situated Knowledges”


해러웨이의‘ 상황적 지식들’은 80년대 페미니스트 과학비평의 맥락에서 제출된 개념이다. 해러웨이는 초월적 보편성과 절대적 객관성을 과학 지식의 근거로 불러내는 근대 과학의 신념체계에 맞서, 불가피하게 부분적이고 상황적인 지식의 실제 토대를 인정할 뿐 아니라, 옹호한다. 부분성과 상황성은 과학지식의 성립 가능성을 부정하는 근거가 아니라, 구체적이고 실증적으로 주어진 사태의 복잡하고 혼탁한 관계망을 파악할 수 있게 하는 토대다. 이 글은 해러웨이‘의상 황적 지식들’이처음 어떤 맥락에서 출현했고, 차츰 어떻게 진화해왔는지, 그것이 어떻게 이분법적 지식 표상을 해체하면서 세계를 이해하는 관점을 바꾸었는지, 그리고 왜 그것이‘ 생태학’이 되는지, 살펴보려 한다.



Donna Haraway’s “situated knowledges” was presented in the context of feminist critique of science in the 80s. Haraway, not only recognizes the inevitably partial and situational knowledges, but defends it against the fantastic belief system of modern science that brings forth transcendental universality and absolute objectivity as basis for scientific knowledge. Partiality and situationality are not grounds to deny the possibility of valid scientific knowledge, but rather a foundation to understand the complicated and turbid networks of concrete and empirical fact. This article will first introduce the background of the debate about ‘objectivity’ on feminist critique of science, where the concept of Haraway’s “situated knowledges” first appeared, and explain why the concept of “situated knowledges” become “a work of changing metaphor,” and further “the work of changing the entire narrative of scientific knowledge”. Recently, the concept of “situated knowledges”, which was introduced as the ‘literacy’ required by technoscience, are connected to Haraway’s bio-eco-politics that views the relationship of ecological connections among all critters. This article studies the meaning of ecological turn of such situated knowledges, and observes how Haraway’s techno-eco-feminist project views and forecasts the present and the future of technoscience in “different” manner.
