검색 상세

프리드리히 실러의 비극 『오를레앙의 처녀』에 나타난 신앙과 이성의 문제

Issues of Faith and Reason in Friedrich Schiller’s Tragedy, Die Jungfrau von Orleans


In this thesis, we examines the issues of faith and reason, focusing on the faith forming process of Johanna, the main character of Schiller’s drama Die Jungfrau von Orleans. In Schiller’s drama, Johanna’s faith can be largely divided into three stages: first, blind obedience to divine revelation, second, rational reflection on sin and faith, and third, realization of practical faith based on moral reason and divine grace. It is moral reason that is inevitably required in the development of Johanna’s faith. In this respect, the idea of the Christian faith that Schiller pursues is also consistent with Kant’s reason religion, since the core of Kant’s reason religion is to achieve the ideals of moral perfection based on human reason. In addition, criticizing the forms of blind faith and fanaticism that put the will of God first while excluding rational thinking is a point shared by Kant and Schiller. However, Schiller’s understanding of Christianity differ from that of Kant. Unlike Kant, Schiller acknowledges the traditional elements of Christianity that are outside the limits of human reason, such as revelation, grace, prayer and miracles. If Kant perceives Christianity through his own lens of reason religion philosophy, Schiller embraces reason religion based on revelation faith. In conclusion, Schiller reveals that the ideals of moral perfection can be achieved through the unity of human faith and reason. Thus, Schiller's drama, Die Jungfrau von Orleans, is considered a work that overcomes the limitations of Kant’s understanding of Christianity and realizes the unity of revelation faith and moral reason through literature.
