검색 상세

건청 자녀를 둔 청각장애 부모를 대상으로 한 이야기 상호작용 교육의 효과: AI 스피커를 활용한 사례 연구

The Effects of Parent Training on Narrative Interaction for Parents With Hearing Loss Who Have Children With Normal Hearing: A Case Study Using AI Speakers


Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of parent training on narrative interaction using AI speakers for parents with hearing loss who have children with normal hearing. Methods : Five mother-child dyads participated in this study. Three mothers used both oral language and sign language when communicating with their children, while others used only oral language. All children were normal hearing and were within normal nonverbal IQ. Parents received three sessions of parent training on narrative interaction once a week. Pre-test and post-test design was used to investigate narrative skills of children and parent-child interaction during book reading. Two stories in an AI speaker (KAKAO mini) were used to examine the effects of parent training, one of which provided the script to parents while the other did not. At the post-test session, the scores on the comprehension test of the two stories were analyzed. Results : First, all children’s narrative skills were higher at the post-test, and three out of the four parents who performed the book reading task with their children showed increased interaction both quantitatively and qualitatively. In addition, the story comprehension scores of children that interacted with parents were higher than that of those that did not interact with parents. Finally, interviews with parents about the usefulness of AI speakers and the parent training program were reported. Conclusions : Parent training on narrative interaction for parents with hearing loss resulted in improved narrative skills of children and parent-child narrative interaction. The results showed that children were able to better understand stories when interacting with their parents. Study findings suggest that parents with hearing loss can take advantage of AI speakers when provided with simple support, such as a narrative script.
