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게임기반학습에 기초한 디자인 수업이 중학교 1학년의 학습 몰입도에 미치는 영향 - 마인크래프트 활용을 중심으로 -

The Effect of Game-Based Learning Design Class on the Learning Flow of 1 st Grade Middle school Students - Based on Minecraft -


The purpose of this study is to find out how the design class using GBL(game-based learning) affects the learning flow of first-year middle school students. For this research, explore the concepts and characteristics of the Learning Flow, GBL, and eco-friendly design theories by researching precedented studies. Then plan a design class based on Minecraft education edition and conduct on a single group of students in the art club. The subjects of the study were selected as a single group of 24 first-year art club students from H Middle School located in Namyangju, Gyeonggi Province. The theme of the class is ‘Let’s Create an Eco-friendly School’ and execute 6 lessons. When the course is over, First, look at how game-based learning design class affect on the learning flow of 1st graders in middle school. Second, look at how game-based learning design class affect on the sub-factors of learning flow of 1st graders in middle school. The study select learning flow scale for middle school students developed by Kim Hee-jung(2012) as an inspection tool to conduct pre- and post-inspection tests and statistically compare and analyze by using SPSS(statistical Package for Social Science) ver 21.0. In addition, the study comprehensively analyse student's outcomes and satisfaction level to derive effects in learning flow. Summing up these findings, it can be concluded that design classes based on game-based learning have a positive impact on improving learning flow of first grade middle school students. Class satisfaction analysis also confirm that not only learning flow but also students’ interest and motivation for learning increase together.
