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중학교 교사의 효능감 잠재프로파일 및 영향 요인 분석: TALIS 2018 한국과 일본 결과를 중심으로

A Comparative Study on the Typologies and Influencing Factors of Teachers' Self-efficacy in Lower Secondary Schools: Focusing on TALIS 2018 Korea and Japan Results


The purpose of this study is to analyzing which latent profile of teachers' self-efficacy levels of lower secondary school in Korea and Japan are divided, and deriving factors that affect the classification of latent profile of self-efficacy. Data from Korean and Japanese lower secondary school teachers and school leaders of OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey 2018 (TALIS 2018) were used, and Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis (MLPA) was conducted as analysis methods. The major findings are as follows. As a result of conducting Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis (MLPA) to verify latent profile and influencing factors of teachers' self-efficacy in Korean, and Japanese lower secondary school, there are three latent profiles; lower middle level group (13.3%), upper middle level group (60.9%), and top level group (25.8%) in Korea. In Japan there are three; low level group (42.3%), upper middle level group (43.3%), and high level group (14.4%). Factors that commonly affect the possibility of belonging to a higher group compared to groups with lower self-efficacy levels of lower secondary schools in different countries were found to be teaching preparedness, motivation to select teaching profession, teacher-student relations, and teacher cooperation. Based on the results of the study, policy implications were derived to improve teachers’ efficacy in Korea and Japan. First, overall review and improvement on whether curriculum of teacher preparation institutions are composed to sufficiently develop teacher's profession of pre-service teachers are needed. Second, improvements are needed in a way that allows in-depth examination of teachers' motivation to select teaching profession in teacher selection and recruitment. Third, a support plan to reinforce competencies of teachers of guidance of both pre-service and in-service secondary teachers needs to be arranged. Fourth, opportunities to teachers taking part in teacher professional collaboration activities have to be expanded. Fifth, the Japanese government needs to put a priority on its teacher policy to come up with measures to enhance teachers' self-efficacy.
