검색 상세

해외언론의 긍정적인 보도프레임이 자국명성 및 외교정책 지지의도에 미치는 영향: 공중인식(국민 자존감 및 국가 역할정체성)의 매개효과 중심

The Effects of Positive Foreign Media Framing on Homeland Reputation and Foreign Policy Support Intention: Focused on the Mediating Effect of Public’s Perception (Recognition of National Role Identity and Collective Self-esteem)


Korea, which has been mainly negatively descibed by foreign media for a long time, received favorable reviews from foreign media for a while during the COVID-19 crisis. In this regard, an argument began that Koreans' self-esteem has been raised by positive reports from foreign media. Until now, various studies have been conducted in Korea on the problems caused by negative reporting frames of foreign media, but there have been few studies on the effects of positive reporting frames. Accordingly, this study implemented an empirical study with a focus on the effects of positive reporting frames of foreign media. According to the results of this study, it was confirmed that positive reporting frames of foreign media indirectly influences foreign policy support intention through the mediation of national self-esteem and national reputation. In addition, the national role identity of Korea was found to partially mediate the relationship between the positive reporting frame of foreign media and Korean’s collective self-esteem. Based on this result, academic and practical implications were derived.
