검색 상세

여성 장루보유자의 성생활 경험

The Lived Experience of Sexual Life with Female Ostomates


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experience of sexual life with female ostomates and provide basic data for an education program to promote sexual health in female ostomates. Methods: The sexual life experience of 6 female ostomates was investigated by using the hermeneutic phenomenological research methodology. Data were collected from face-to-face interviews using purposive sampling and from various sources of information, including etymology, poem, essays, and works of arts. Results: The results of this study showed the following five themes: “I am self- intimidated, looking at the body after the ostomy”, “I gave up my sexual relationship because I had a shackle called ostomy”, “I want to ask, but I cannot.”, “I came out of isolation because of a partner who understands the ostomy”, and “I am waiting eagerly for restoration of the ostomy repair.” Conclusion: This study explored the meaning of female ostomates' sexual experience and their practical experience. The results confirm that partners of female ostomates should be included in the education program, indicating the need for further studies on the sexual life experiences of female ostomates and their partners. In addition, development of easily accessible content related to the sex life of female ostomates is also essential.
