검색 상세

관동군 밀정 염동진과 독립투사 김혁―낙양군관학교 동기생의 엇갈린 운명과 백의사의 기원

Lyom Dongjin, Spy of Kwantung Army Kempeitai vs. Kim Hyuk, Independence Fighter: Cross Rancor of Alumni of Luoyang Military Academy and Origins of the White Shirts Society


Lyom Dongjin was a founder of White Shirts Society, extreme-right terrorist organization. There were many assumption on his background during the Japanese colonial period. Lyom was a graduate of Korean special class, Louyang Military Academy and related with Korean independence movement at that time. But Lyom was captured by Tong Hua Kempeitai branch of Japanese Kwantung Army in March 1936 and became spy for the Japanese Kempeitai. He served as professional spy for Tong Hua Kempeitai over eight years and received total 2,418 yen from Kwantung Army Kempeitai till March 1944. He was a professional spy and his spy activity was overt one. After Korea liberation, Lyom assassinated Hyun Joonhyuk, moderate communist in Pyongyang and fled to Seoul. He hide his Japanese spy career and disguised as extreme-right anti-communist fighter. In Seoul, Lyom assassinated Kim Hyuk, an independence fighter as well as his alumnus of Louyang Military Academy who knew Lyom’s back ground and spy activities precisely. Kim Hyuk was apprehended for his independence movement activities and put into Japanese prison for three years. After liberation, Kim assassinated the notorious Japanese detective with the help of Special Squad of Korean Police. Kim Hyuk’s story as well as truth of his assassination fade away from forefront of history. Lyom involved in several important assassinations including Kim Ilsung (March 1, 1946), Lyuh Woonhyung (July 19, 1947), and Kim Koo (June 26, 1949) cases.
