검색 상세

로렌스(D. H. Lawrence)의 「여우」(“The Fox”)와 데리다(Jacques Derrida)의 늑대

D. H. Lawrence’s “The Fox” and Jacques Derrida’s Wolf


D. H. Lawrence, in his “The Fox”, challenges against the anthropological world view, which dominated modern Western society. The story, centered on the argumentation on animality, intends to rehabilitate thinking from formal-logical epistemology. Jacques Derrida’s conflation of animality and non-normative thinking in his La bête et le souvrain sheds new light on Lawrence’s argumentation on animality and thinking. Derrida takes up the French idiom ‘á pas de loup,’ and articulates a genealogy of bestiality in connection with the Heideggerian concept ‘unheimlich.’ This analysis of bestiality provides a useful framework of reference for anti-anthropological thinking in Lawrence’s “The Fox”.
