검색 상세

The Development of Cereal Bars with Dried Anchovy for Chinese Customer Using Check All That Apply (CATA) Analysis for Liking and Disliking


Today, energy bars are consumed not only as snacks but also as meal replacement foods. Convenience and nutritionalsupplementation are the main factors accounting for the increasing use of energy bars. Two hundred Chinese customerswho attended the China Fisheries & Seafood Exposition in China, and had no inhibitions about consuming cereal bars wereselected. The questionnaire was composed of CATA choices that selected both the reasons for liking and disliking fourdifferent types of cereal bars, namely topokki flavor (hot pepper paste), seaweed flavor, kimchi flavor, and ginseng flavorcereal bars with 10% of dried anchovy content produced by BadaOne Co. (Seoul, Korea). The purpose of the study wasto investigate Chinese consumer’s attitudes and acceptance of different flavored cereal bars containing protein and calciumrichanchovy. For the selected Chinese customers, the acceptance score for the seaweed flavor was the highest, followed bytopokki, red ginseng, and kimchi. The acceptance for the topokki flavor was higher than for seaweed for the attributes ofcolor except for general acceptance, flavor, aroma, and texture. The results of the survey showed that the acceptance ofkimchi was the lowest, contrary to earlier predictions. The results of the Check All That Apply (CATA) analysis showed thatthe reasons for liking the seaweed & anchovy flavor were the most diverse, and there was no reason chosen for disliking thisflavor. The reasons for liking this flavor were listed as sweet flavor, healthy, seafood flavor, malty flavor, texture, new/unique,and umami. In the case of topokki and kimchi, the reason for disliking the flavor was umami, and in the case of red ginseng,the ginseng flavor was the reason for both likes and dislikes. CA analysis showed that both the flavor and emotional factorswere positive for seaweed & anchovy and topokki, but negative for red ginseng. As a result, seaweed & anchovy flavor,which is familiar to the Chinese people, should be the first cereal bar considered for a launch.
