검색 상세

이육사의 후스(胡適) 문학사 저작의 번역과 구딩(古丁) 단편소설의 번역

Yi Yuk-sa(이육사)’s Translation of Hu Shi(胡適)’s Literary History Works and Gu Ding(古丁)’s Short Story


Around 1941, when Yi Yuk-sa(이육사) criticized and translated modern Chinese literature, the suppression and censorship of Japanese imperialism reached its peak, which severely dampened freedom of speech and limited books to refer to. Yi Yuk-sa introduced modern Chinese literature based on limited books available to him under these poor conditions. His translation of Hu Shi(胡適)’s literary history works “Fifty Years of Chinese Literature”, criticism and translation of modern Chinese poetry, and translation of Gu Ding(古丁)’s short story “The Alley” have realistic significance compared to other modern Chinese literary criticisms and translation in that period. By translating Hu Shi’s work, Yi Yuk-sa tried to understand the origin of Chinese new literature formation and inspire Korean readers with innovative spirit, and he also revealed the miserable reality of the Chinese people under Japanese colonial rule through the translation of Gu Ding’s short story. There are not many works translated by Yi Yuk-sa, but I can’t help but admire them for their outstanding achievements as a Translated literature. The translation of modern Chinese and classical Chinese acquires elegant Korean expressions, and the translation of Chinese poetry is also expressed in a lively language that emphasizes the beauty of Korean and embodies the formal rhythm and tone of sound. Although it referred to the Japanese translation, the Chinese short story translation also acquires a novel expression that fully revives the character’s linguistic characteristics in real life, which can be regarded as a successful Translated literature.
