검색 상세

EU법상 혁신파트너십(Innovation Partnership)제도에 대한 연구

A Study on Innovation Partnership in EU Law


In the context of 4th industrial revolution era, the innovation policy, which supports economic growth through innovation, is gaining importance more and more. To this ends, many legal reform is implemented, and especially innovation policy through public procurement and facilitation of Research & Development (R&D) is emphasized. According to Lember et al., technological innovation through public procurement can be classified into four types: innovation-oriented public procurement as technology policy(Type I), innovation-oriented public procurement as R&D policy(Type II), generic innovation-oriented public-procurement policy(Type III), and innovation-oriented public-procurement as ‘no policy’ policy(Type VI). European Union (EU) implements all kinds of policy and focuses on Type II & Type III. Innovation Partnership can be evaluated to combine Type II & Type III. Innovation partnership was newly introduced in 2014 EU Procurement Directive and is composed of 3 stages. 1) awarding of contract which selects partners, 2) innovation itself realized during the contract execution (R&D), 3) procurement of innovation products. Korea focuses on Type I among 4 types. To develop Korean innovation procurement policy, Type II & Type III should be strengthened. In this context, EU’s innovation partnership shows many implications including 1) administrative contract approach to R&D, 2) close connection between R&D phase and procurement phase, 3) balancing of innovation and competition.
