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산학 연계 프로젝트 기반 학습(PBL)을 활용한 AI 패션 큐레이션 실습 교과목 운영 사례 연구

A Case Study on an Artificial Intelligence Fashion Curation Practice Subject through Industrial-academic Project-based Learning


In the fourth industrial revolution, fashion students are expected to work with various technologies to show cre-ativity. This study aimed to conduct project-based learning(PBL) in collaboration with industry experts to design and oper-ate artificial intelligence(AI) in the practice subject of fashion curation through the industrial academic teaching method. We first looked at teaching methods and strategies incorporating PBL in various academic fields. Next, we analyzed fash-ion projects and fashion curation services applying AI. Then through the question-and-answer method and by consultingwith industry experts, we developed a curriculum for AI fashion curation, applying PBL(fashion market and trend analysis;new styles and time, place, and occasion planning; AI machine learning data set production; curation model development;and evaluation) suitable for the university's educational environment, information technology company conditions, and fashion students. As part of a close cooperation system with the industry, we conducted a 15-week Fashion Project II (Capstone Design) course and evaluated the outcomes and student satisfaction with the course. Students were able to develop new style, and time, place, and occasion categories and to utilize strategies for AI fashion curation services reflecting the unique needs of Millennials and Generation Z. Students showed high satisfaction with the curriculum. Fur- ther, it was confirmed that the study successfully applied PBL in class using AI technology in fashion education.
