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위드코로나 시대, 어떻게 준비할 것인가?

Coexisting with the Coronavirus, How to Prepare for It


With the increase in vaccinations worldwide, the world is facing the era of coexisting with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Thegovernment announced that it will change its focus of public health emergency response system, gradually toward daily recoveryfrom November. Hence, this article reviews an overview of policy tasks to prepare for the era of coexistence with COVID-19. Thethree key policies that should be considered are as follow: (1) vaccination should be administered promptly to improve the immunityof the target population; (2) the government should advance the medical capability for critically ill patients and reorganize thepatient delivery system; and (3) epidemiological surveillance system should be reformed in a direction to raise the social capacity.
