검색 상세

수학과 중등학교 교사 임용후보자 선정경쟁시험에서 요구되는 지식의 영역과 수준 분석

Examining the breadth and depth of knowledge required in the teacher employment test for secondary mathematics


본 연구는 수학과 중등학교 교사 임용후보자 선정경쟁시험이 예비 교사의 지식을 어떻게 평가하고 있는지 최근 8년간 시행된 임용시험 1차 180개의 문항을 지식의 영역과 수준의 차원에서 분석한 결과, 분야에 따라 특정 영역과 수준에의 편중성과 평가 외적 내용 요소의 출현 등이 나타나 이로부터 임용시험의 질 개선에의 시사점을 논하였다.



This study examines the breadth and depth of knowledge of the teacher employment test for secondary mathematics. For the breadth of knowledge, we attempted to figure out the range of knowledge in terms of the content areas using the standards from the Korea Society Educational Studies in Mathematics[KSESM](2008). For the depth of knowledge, we chose Anderson & Krathwohl(2001) framework to analyze levels of each item in the test. The results from the analysis of 180 items in the teacher employment test between 2014 and 2021 show that while items in mathematics education have considerable variation in terms of range and levels of knowledge, those in some subjects of mathematics can be found only certain level of knowledge. i.e., merely certain topics or levels of knowledge have been heavily evaluated. Thus, considering the breadth and depth of knowledge teachers should have, the current exam needs to be improved in terms of teacher knowledge. It does not mean that every topic and every level of knowledge should be evaluated. However, it is a meaningful opportunity to think about what kinds of knowledge teachers should have in relation to K-12 mathematics curriculum and how we can evaluate the knowledge. More collaborative effort is inevitable for the improvement of teacher knowledge and teacher employment test.
