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우리나라 초등 6학년 학습자들의 디지털 리터러시 성취 수준 탐색

Exploring Digital Literacy Achievement Levels for Sixth Grade Elementary Learners


Despite the increasing need for digital literacy education due to the high influence of the digital media, the national curriculum has not been able to meet the educational demands. In response, this study analyzed the actual level of elementary school learners’ digital literacy and extracted digital literacy elements that should be considered first as part of a systematic plan to prepare content elements for digital literacy education. In this study, 20 sixth grade students participated and researchers analyzed the tasks the students performed and diagnosed the level of their digital literacy. According to the analysis, the majority of learners showed a low level of achievement in the "evaluation" category, while the overall level of achievement in the "production" category was high. Furthermore, the deviation between learners was noticeable in the 'manipulation' category. On this basis, the following conclusions and suggestions were presented: First, when planning future digital literacy education, the curriculum should focus on the evaluation category in which more than half of the learners showed a low level of achievement. Second, in-depth research on factors that have affected learners' digital literacy levels is required. Third, digital literacy education, including media adaptation education, needs to be continuously and systematically implemented from the lower grade of elementary school to close the gap in students’ digital literacy skills.
