검색 상세

독일, 영국 및 한국의 사례분석을 통한 학교보건교육의 개선방안

Improving school health education for students’ health behavior practices: Implications from comparative analysis of systems and practices in Germany, England and South Korea


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the status of school health education of Germany, United Kingdom and Korea and to provide recommendations for school health education to improve the students’ health behavior practices in Korea. Methods: For this study, literature reviews were done with published articles and statistics reports. In-depth interviews with three health education experts from European countries were conducted. Results: The school health education of Germany, United Kingdom and Korea were compared. Differences were found in the subjects, obligation and evaluation system of school health education. Also, while Germany and United Kingdom focused on why and how they should behave healthy, Korea focused on the knowledge of health. Conclusion: School health education should be focused on developing life skills and there should be a government agency in local areas to support school health education practices including a training system for the health teacher, and to provide educational curriculum and evaluation.
