검색 상세

한국현대시문학사 교육의 현황과 과제 -고등학교 ≪문학≫ 교과서의 문학사 단원 분석을 중심으로-

Current Status and Tasks of Korean Modern Poetry History Education -Focused on the analysis of the literature history unit of the high school "Literature" textbook-


This study analyzed the current status of literature history education, identified tasks of literary history units in high school ‘Literature’ subject according to the 2015 national curriculum. There are two achievement standards for designing units for literary history education: one for ‘genre development’ and the other for ‘the reality reflected in literary works’. Ten “Literature” textbooks organized units based on genre or period, six out of 10 “Literature” textbooks designed units based on genre, and four based on period. Textbooks designed with units based on genre or period did not fully utilize their advantages. The next textbooks need to be revised to further strengthen each advantage. Most of the poems contained in “Literature” textbooks are works of realism that reflect reality. There are few modernist works or poems pursuing artistic value. This imbalance needs to be improved. Literary history education needs a shift that learners actively create a connection between texts. Through such changes, literary history education will be established as an education that enhances the student agency, creativity, and aesthetic competence needed for future society.
