검색 상세

현대목회(기독교)상담 맥락에서 이해하는 풍류영성상담의 ‘흔들흔들 기법’과 ‘푹 잠기기 기법’ 연구

The ‘Rocking’ and ‘Submerging’ techniques of Korean Pungryu Spiritual(Christian/Pastoral) Counseling


Pungryu (Pung-ryu) spiritual counseling is a newly invented counseling based on Korean cultural resources. Pungryu spiritual counseling is derived from Pungryu-do, Korean traditional spirituality in terms of its theory and Kouksundo, Korean traditional exercise in terms of its practice. In addition, Pungryu spiritual counseling is also very Christian because of the Trinitarian implications of Pungryudo and Kouksundo. Since general descriptions of the theory and practice of Pungryu spiritual counseling have been published already in other journals, this article focuses more on the two unique techniques of Pungryu spiritual counseling, ‘soft rocking’ and ‘full submerging’ in comparison with cases of Neil Pembroke and Pamela Cooper-White. The technique of ‘soft rocking’ of Pungryu Spiritual Counseling is a very effective counseling skill that helps to embody certain aspects of the Trinity. This paper examines its outstanding characteristics by making a criticism on Pembroke’s ‘nearness’ and ‘distance.’ Pembroke suggested nearness and distance as pastoral counseling skills that actualize the co-managing the space, the operation of the Trinity. The technique of ‘full submerging’ of Pungryu spiritual counseling also helps to internalize the aspect of the Creator God, the first person of the Trinity. Compared to a counseling case of Cooper-White’s, this paper argues for the strength of full submerging. This study intends to illustrate how to use the two skills in the pastoral counseling context.



풍류영성상담은 한국전통의 풍류도와 풍류운동 국선도를 바탕으로 고한된 상담이다. 풍류영성상담은 또한 서양이론위주의 상담이론과 실제에 한국적 통찰을 적용하여, 기독교신학적 통찰을 적용하여 고안한 상담이다. 그런데 풍류영성상담이 상담현장에서 대중적으로 활용되기 위해서는 풍류영성상담의 기술이 구체적으로 어떤 것인지에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 이에 본 논문에서는 풍류영성상담의 주요한 기술인 ‘흔들흔들기법’과 ‘푹 잠기기 기법’을 연구한다. 특별히 삼위일체 하나님 신학에 근거해 목회상담실제기법을 고안한 닐 펨브로크, 또 관계중심패러다임에 기초해 현대 목회상담실제를 제시한 파멜라 쿠퍼-화이트와의 기법을 비교하여 설명한다. 이 논문은 풍류영성상담의 구체적 기법에 대한 논문으로서 의의를 가진다.
