검색 상세

생체 정보 측정을 활용한 라이프로깅 모바일 애플리케이션 제안 -감정 기록 및 재현을 중심으로-

Proposed Life-logging Mobile Application Using Biometric Information Measurement -focusing on emotion recording and reproduction-


This study predicted that adding objective figures through sensors to the existing subjective recording method and providing images of emotions reconstructed by users will not only enable more vivid emotional reproduction, but also expected that a new experience will be created through the process. It was investigated review the concept and current state of life-logging in a digital environment, examine the physical conditions that sensor can measure, the technical limitations of sensors, and the importance of humanity and emotion as we enter the digital age. I examined the evaluation recording method and reproduction method of the currently commercialized life-logging service, and the effectiveness of evaluation reproduction. Most of the evaluation records through life-logging in existing applications and domestic and international cases use emojis and short sentences, and even if metadata is used, the numbers are simply recorded together, which is not far from normal records and reproduction. Through user research, I derived user needs, service direction, and concepts for appraisal records, and reproduction. We identified the needs for life-logging with objective measurement elements and subjective records, and confirmed that visual elements can help record and reproduce raw emotions. In addition to simply presenting the recorded record by the user in emotional recording and reproduction, this study also presented a method of expressing external conditions and constructing an image with colors and movements selected by the user. Users will be able to experience a variety of new emotional records that they have not experienced and will be able to feel more satisfaction.
