검색 상세

여성 요트동아리 참여자의 여가경험에 대한 탐색적 연구

An Exploratory Study of Women’s Yacht Club Leisure Experience


The purpose of this study is to understand the leisure experience of female college yacht club members and to explore the meaning of leisure sports club activities. Using ethnographic research methods, we conducted in-depth interviews and participatory observation for seven yacht club members at a woman’s university in Seoul, Korea. According to the analyses, study participants perceived their yacht activity as leisure, which brings ‘enjoyment’, ‘stress-relief’, ‘flow’ and ‘enthusiasm’. Also, the meaning of yacht club participation was about having ‘collaboration’, ‘mental training’ and ‘connectedness’. Lastly, they expected to see more ‘infrastructure’ and ‘female-oriented leisure sports clubs’ as a social expectation of yacht activity in society. They believed this would contribute to broadening the spectrum of yacht participation.
