검색 상세

청소년 스마트폰 의존이 학업성취 인식에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감과 학업열의의 이중매개효과

The Effects of Youth Smartphone Dependenceon Perception of Academic Achievement: The Dual Mediating Effect of Self-esteem and Academic Engagement


Objectives The purpose of this study is to identify the dual mediating effect of self-esteem and academic engagement in the relationship between smartphone dependence and perception of academic achievement. Methods Panel data of 2,590 first-year middle school students collected by the Korea Youth Policy Institute for the first year of the Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey 2018 (KCYPS 2018) was analyzed in this study. The EM method was used for the imputation of missing values. Smartphone dependence was analyzed as an independent variable, perception of academic achievement as a dependent variable, and self-esteem and academic engagement as a series of dual mediation parameters. SPSS 23 program was used for the analysis, and especially PROCESS macro model 6 was used to analyze the dual mediating effect. Results First, the level of smartphone dependence had negative effects on self-esteem, academic engagement, and perception of academic achievement. Second, self-esteem predicted academic engagement but not the perception of academic achievement. Third, academic engagement affected the perception of academic achievement. Fourth, self-esteem and academic engagement had a dual mediating effect on the relationship between the level of smartphone dependence and the perception of academic achievement. Conclusions Adequate interventions in smartphone use among middle school students are required to facilitate positive academic achievement and prevent youth from overreliance on smartphones. In addition, emotional support is needed to promote academic engagement among middle school students when learning with a smartphone.
