검색 상세

메타텍스트, 상호텍스트, 하이퍼 텍스트- 한불고전번역 예를 통해서 본 텍스트성과 번역의 쟁점 -

Metatext, intertext or hypertext: Textuality and issues in Korean-French translation of a classic literary work


한문으로 저작된 한국고전문학작품의 프랑스어 번역현황에 대해 살펴보고 현대문학작품에 비해 현저하게 번역물이 적은 이유에 대해 고찰하고 번역적으로 개선을 할 수 있는지에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 한문작품이 현대 한국어로 번역되는 과정에서 독립적인 현대한국어 텍스트를 구성하지 못하고 주네트의 개념에 따르면 곁텍스트, 상호텍스트, 메타텍스트 등을 양적으로 포함한 다층적 텍스트 성을 띠는 문제로 인해 한문을 학습하지 않은 세대가 주로 번역에 참여하는 프랑스어 방향 번역의 경우 번역에 어려움이 크다. 주네트의 텍스트성의 개념으로 분석을 하여 독자적으로 존재하지 못하는 텍스트가 생산되는 이유를 살펴보고 독립적인 하이퍼 텍스트가 되기 위해서 취해야 할 부분과 프랑스 번역에서 개선해야 할 부분에 대해 짚어본다.



Choi Mikyung (2023). Metatext, intertext or hypertext: Textuality and issues in Korean-French translation of a classic literary work.. The aim of this study is to study issues arising in the translation of Korean classical literature into the modern Korean language and French. Given that the field of literary translation from Korean classics into French consists of only a small number of translators, the number of published classics is not important. When the translation is done by a Korean scholar who is keenly familiar with Chinese characters and translates the text into their mother tongue, they may opt to transfer the source language, which very often consists of Chinese characters with transcriptions, into modern Korean with annotations, explanations and intertext. The target text then becomes a kind of metatext of the original, as opposed to an independent hypertext that can be approached by readers without any intertext. This study analyzes the various steps in the process of double translation, from understanding to reformulation in the context of transtextuality as theorized by Gérard Genette. The key concept of “hypertext” makes equivalent literary translation justifiable, translation being defined as an operation from text to text, not from language to language, and an artistic work in itself. To ensure that the resulting output is accessible for foreign readers, it is essential to respect the relationship between subject and predicate, and between some paratexts and intertexts. The conclusion drawn by this study is that, as the first step in the process of classical text translation, a poet or writer should work in collaboration with a Chinese literary researcher to produce a literary work with fixed meaning, and then collaborate with a foreign language translator, for example a French translator, to be able to provide quality literary translation based on a method selected in consideration of the conditions described in this study. (Ewha Womans University,Korea)
