검색 상세

정보철학 관점에서 본 최한기의 기학(氣學)

Revisited Choi Hangi's Qi -Study: From a Philosophy of Information Perspective


이 연구는 현대 사회에서 부상한 ‘정보철학’과 그 관점에서 도출된 세계의 윤리적 변화를 동아시아의 철학의 관점에서 어떻게 설명하고 해석할 수 있을지, 양자의 성긴 연결을 통해 어떤 함의를 도출할 수 있을지 검토하려는 시도이다. 특히 이 논문은 전통적인 기 개념을 당대 서구 과학을 통해 입증하고자 했던 19세기 조선 유학자 최한기의 ‘기학(氣學)’을 정보철학과 정보 윤리의 관점에서 살펴보고자 한다. 최한기는 전통적인 기의 의미망을 넘어 인식과 경험, 기계의 원리와 작동, 사회와 우주의 운용에까지 기라는 개념을 일관되게 적용하고자 한다. 이러한 최한기의 체계에서 만물은 각자 평등한 정보존재자로서 패턴을 교환하고 상호 작용하며 최종적으로는 상호적 책임으로 무한히 연계된다.



This study is an attempt to examine how the 'Philosophy of Information' and the 'Ethics of Information' that have emerged in contemporary society can be explained and interpreted from the perspective of East Asian philosophy, and what implications can be drawn from their loose connection. Changes in the current technological environment mean that the multilayered dimensions and elements that make up human life, and the conditions and modes of existence such as nature-life, society-culture, and technology-machine, are being recombined, reassembled, and contextualized around a different fulcrum than before. This paper will examine these new conditions from the perspective of East Asian pre-modern philosophy as an 'unfamiliar other'. In particular, this paper will compare the worldview and implications of qi from the perspective of information philosophy and ethics through the 'qi study' of Choi Hangi, a 19th century Korean scholar who sought to validate the traditional East Asian concept of qi through the Western science of his time. Choi consistently applies the concept of qi to perception and experience, the principle and operation of machines, and the functioning of society and the universe, beyond the traditional semantic network of qi. In Choi's system, all things are equal information beings, exchanging patterns and interconnected by mutual responsibility. In this sense, Choi's Qi-Study can be seen as a kind of 'the ontology of events' and 'the dynamics of information'. In it, human beings must abandon egocentrism and assume responsibility for the whole, and take ethical responsibility for the phenomena they see at each level of abstraction.
