검색 상세

Compressible Stokes Equations with Discontinuous Boundary Data


이 논문은 다각형(사각형)에서 불연속 경계 조건을 가진 압축성 스토크스 방정식을 다루었다. 우리는 특정한 속도 벡터 변수와 압력 변수에 대한 정칙성을 얻었다. 우리는 라플라스 문제에 대한 수치적 실험을 하였고 수치적 예제로써 추산된 오차를 확인하였다.



I Introduction 1
II A priori estimate 5
III The Finite Element Method 13
3.1 Mixed boundary problem···········································································13
3.2 The weak formulation················································································13
3.3 The finite element method for the weak formulation·································14
3.4 Error estimate·····························································································16
IV Numerical experiment 20
V Conclusion 27
